Voting: You must know better…

Voting: You must know better…

It’s interesting to me how people are upset with some for voting for one of the two major parties, or even the other candidates in the election. Unfortunately they don’t understand what freedom really means at its core.

Those people are the ones that think others made some kind of mistake in voting the way they did.

Those people are clueless and have no idea why we stand by our American values.

“If you vote for somebody who can’t win for president, it means that you don’t care who wins for president.” — (deleted)

“If you voted for _____ then _____.”

Interesting to see how some in this country think they have more of a right to exercise their free right to vote than others.

Other people must be too stupid to vote properly, right?

Respect of others’ freedoms is at our core. That encompasses what freedom really means. You don’t just have freedom to do whatever you please, but holding true American values means respect for others’ freedoms as well so you don’t infringe on their rights. If you don’t understand that, you’re missing out on the foundation of American values.

